Sunday, May 11, 2008

I should really get a pair of 7/8's!

There's toooooo much space between where my body ends and my jeans begin in my 9/10's! Thanks Shari for issuing this challenge!

On to my girliness quest....Not much to report really other than I feel "girly" in my new skinny clothes. I've even taken to wearing makeup to work again since I've found a foundation that will hold up to all the sweating that I do/will be doing at my job. I've found that I really like Almay's new TLC (Truly Lasting Color). It'll last my whole shift, it breaths, it's got a bunch of "good for your skin" ingredients, plus it has sunscreen in it too.
Now on to an overall feel good topic....While I was out shopping for my new "skinny" clothes the other day, my favorite store had these really neat necklaces up by the registers. Three little circles entertwined on a leather necklace. It turns out that these necklaces were specially made by a Minnesota artist for Maurices to sell and help in the fight against cancer. It makes me feel good to know that $2.50 from my $5.00 purchase is going to help find a cure for cancer. Just remember cancer can happen to anybody at anytime.


Anonymous said...

you go girl! I am so proud of you!!! Get those 7/8's

BITR Country Girl said...

Oh, I'm going to Shari don't you worry!